Want to connect more with your intuitive abilities?

Applications are now open!

We kick off Feb. 10th for 3 virtual sessions.

Celebrating the heck outta’ bringing your Intuition into supporting your everyday modern life

Are You:

  • Wanting to learn ways to connect with your intuition

    yet feel a bit new to all this?

  • Or maybe you’ve been feeling a connection to your intuition, and want help making sense of it to hone your abilities more deeply?

  • Let’s get together- yeah, yeah yeah! :)

Together We’ll:

1) Understand the foundation of what intuition is and the many ways it can come to you

2) Deepen and further hone your connection with your own intuitive abilities

2) Learn to distinguish intuition from fear

3) Feel more connected to yourself, less-alone, more grounded, and often less stressed

4) Learn research-driven practices of self-care and self-compassion to honor and protect your energy as you expand into new levels of connecting with your intuitive abilities

5) Have a darn good time practicing with other awesome folx connecting more fully with their abilities too!

Tell Me More

Is this Virtual or In-Person?

  • Why not both?! Virtual structure with in-person gathering in nature available in Knoxville, TN for those interested.

When can we start?

  • Feb 10th 2023! 3 virtual live zoom sessions, recorded if you can’t join live (Fridays 12:00-1:30- Feb. 10th, 24th & March 10th)

Is it for me?

  • This mentorship is for anyone wanting to dive deeper into their intuitive connection, make sense of what this is for them, or is brand new to intuition yet feels a deep calling to learn more.

  • It’s an inclusive supportive group ready to dive-in, roll up our sleeves, learn about the research of intuition, and have a good time practicing our connection too. Warning-giggles can be frequent. :)

  • We’ll cover the basics of energy work, how to ground and protect your energy while also expanding into your deepened intuitive abilities.

  • We’ll dive into ways to use intuition for your everyday life such as in decision-making for life and work.

What is intuition?

  • Intuition for our mentorship will include exploring the various ways we experience information beyond what we often allow our naked eye to “see”.

  • We’ll explore gut feelings, deep knowings, clairvoyance (seeing information), claircognizant (knowing information), clairsentient (body sensations), clairaudience (hearing information), dream work, and synchronicities in nature, to name a few. The mentorship program is rooted in research as well as lived-experiences of each of us.

Why do people connect with their intuitive abilities?

  • A whole slew of reasons really. People share that when they’re more connected with their intuitive abilities, they feel they’re better parents, better leaders, better friends, and perhaps most powerfully-more connected deeply with their authentic selves.

The Mentorship Experience Blends:

Community, Research, and Joy

A Bit More Please: :)

I feel very drawn to this, but I’m a little nervous. Do I have a place in this mentorship?

  • Oh my goodness-Yes! Sometimes with many of our social norms, we can have limiting beliefs around these abilities and create fears too. These are all valid. We’ll work together with all of these to support your own journey.

What is the rate?

  • 275.00 (Once accepted, we’ll send you a payment link.)

I work well with instruction between live-sessions, will that be possible?

  • Yes! We’ll have meditations, journal prompts, and other activities between sessions to support you where you are.

I work well with one-on-one support. Is this part of the mentorship?

  • Yes! You’ll have 2 one-on-one sessions with the teacher, Bonnie, to support your individual journey.

Have other questions?

  • Shoot me a note at bonnie@intuitivebynature.com.

Great! Let’s do this-what do I do next?

  • Apply via the below Apply Here button. From there, we’ll form co-hort groups based on your goals.


About Your Mentorship Instructor

Hi! I’m Bonnie. I’m a researcher, educator, and about 7 years ago I woke up to my intuitive mediumship abilities.

The fire in my belly in creating this mentorship group is to foster an awesome community. In it we support the heck outta each other while connecting more deeply with our own intuition.

I deeply believe we’re all connected to so much more than we often let our senses experience. Research and science continues to prove this each day too.

I was pretty freaked out at first when I started receiving visuals in my mind’s eye during meditation years ago. Yet, something about it felt so right, so I kept following that feeling.

The more I shared my experiences, the more others shared their own intuitive awakening experiences. So I created this mentorship to share what I’ve learned with others in case it’s supportive for their journey.

In case you’re curious-

I receive information strongest via clairvoyance -visuals in my mind’s eye- and clairsentience -physical sensations of intuitive information in my body).

I believe we connect with our intuition more fully by blending nature, science, and the woo while having a darn good time too! :) (Yes, I giggled when I realized that rhymed. :)

That’s my hope of what this mentorship brings to you.

Cheers to your journey. Please reach out with any questions at bonnie@intuitivebynature.com

Big Italian Hugs,


Loving ourselves through the process of owning our story is the bravest things we will ever do.

-Brene’ Brown